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FP 1710 foto lesk extrabílý 170 g/m2/role 127 cm x 30 m

  • Catalog number: 40212
glossy photo paper (thermal printing, e.g. HP), extra white, 127 cm x 30 m

186,51 EUR (809,510 PLN) 154,14 EUR (669,010 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):)

FP 2710 foto lesk 270 m2 /role 111,8 cm x 30 bm

  • Catalog number: 40336
one-sided coated gloss photo paper, thermal printing (e.g. HP) and piezoelectric printing (e.g. Epson), 111,8 cm x 30 m

267,01 EUR (1 158,900 PLN) 220,67 EUR (957,770 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):)

FP 1910 ultrafoto lesk,190 g/m2/role 152,4 x 30 bm

  • Catalog number: 40687
ultraphoto gloss,190 g/m2

271,20 EUR (1 177,080 PLN) 224,13 EUR (972,790 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):)

Discount 30,0 %

SFP 1918 190 g/m2, role 91,4 cm x 20 bm

  • Catalog number: 00347
self-adhesive paper, reel 91,4 cm x 20 linear metres

104,11 EUR (451,870 PLN) 148,72 EUR 86,04 EUR (373,440 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):)

INKJET FP 3010 43,2 CM/25 BM

  • Catalog number: 40354
glossy photo paper, 300 g/m2

113,35 EUR (491,970 PLN) 93,68 EUR (406,600 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):)

Page 1 of 1    5 items total

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